Wednesday, June 24, 2009

y tu mama tambien

I couldn't get to sleep last night - So I sat up and watched y tu mama tambien and finally got to bed at around 3am. Now I really want to go on a roadtrip, I don't even care where to - I guess the best part is the journey itself, not so much the destination - it's such a great film.

When I got myself out of bed at around 9am I had a banana, vegemite toast and some tea.

I did some washing and showered, then drove into the city to pick up Ben to have lunch in Paddington. We went to a little cafe on Latrobe Terrace and ate and chatted for well over an hour - mainly about how small Brisbane is and the positive and negative things that come with its country town feel, uni and what we want to do with ourselves, and some ideas for going camping etc.

After lunch we wandered around the antique and op-shops and popped into the new retro metro store to check out some cool clothes - I've decided I want a black leather jacket and some black raybans - I wanna be James Dean. From there we came to my house to pick up some menshealth magazines that I wanted him to read - he's a big fan of fitness, not in a jock meat-head kind of body building way, but more like understanding how his body works and working towards optimal health kind of way. Also, I had a book (The Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono) that I wanted him to give to Sharon - it's a book that I got before I started my education degree that explains the concept of parallel thinking - not knowing I'd be studying it first semester.

We went back to Ben's place where I discovered a few singers that I didn't think anybody in my circle of friends would have heard of, much less have a record of, were within his collection of music, and he played some records he thought I might like. Would you believe I'd never actually heard Bettie Davis sing? He fixed that.

When I came home I took a look at my floordrobe and decided that I would put it in the 'too hard' basket, for now anyway - besides, the kitten enjoys making a little nest in all those clothes.

I had a special present left at my doorstep tonight too! Isaac sent me a message to open my front door - I thought it was a joke, and didn't even bother to get up, but rather replied with a witty message. He told me that there was something there for me (and that this time it wasn't a baby) and to really get up and check.
Eariler in the day he had asked if him and Sarah could come and visit me tonight - and I politely declined.

On my doorstep was a Harry Potter bag (I do enjoy Harry Potter) full of my favourite lollies (Clouds, Strawberries and Cream and candy bracelets - for future reference) AND poptart smores, I was surprised that they remembered these were my favourite poptarts. Inside the bag was a card too - "To our dearest Christopher, Just a little gift to show how much we love you! Thank you for being such an amazing friend. Love and kisses, Sarah and Isaac"
Those bitches know my weakness is food, those sly devils.

I'm back to work tomorrow. I start at 1pm, so I still get to have a sleep in!

1 comment:

  1. Well i'm glad you had such a lovely day with MY boyfriend lol. I'm getting worried, i think you two are going to fall in love with each other haha, then where will i be? ALONE.

    That's super sweet of Sarah and Izak to drop over your favourite goodies, that always works. I bailed on my ex best friend's house warming party once to go to someone else's party and the next morning i drove to her house with 5 packets of double coat Tim Tams to say sorry.

    If i had my own car/scooter i'd drop lollies off at your door step every week!

    Thanks for recommending the book, Ben said he's going to read it too, so it's a race to finish our current books in order to read it first LOL. I'm not sure i can do this 5 books at a time business that you're doing.

    OH, my psychologist friend at work recommended a book to me, called 'The Element' by Sir Ken Robinson, it's about finding your passion and learning to explore it and gives all sorts of advice on forging a satisfying career and being confident in yourself etc, i can't wait to read it!
