Saturday, July 11, 2009

Farewell Facebook

It's been a long time since I wrote on my blog. Nothing overly amazing has occured since then...

For breakfast today I had vegemite toast.

Since my last entry I have:

1 - Finished the shoot I was organizing for Turpentine Magazine - I can sneak one behind-the-scenes picture from the shoot on here (The issue hasn't been published yet).

2 - Deactivated my Facebook account - which I think will make my time a little more productive and let me see which relationships relied soley on the help of a social networking site to survive.

3 - Been in a blundered fashion show - some designers didn't show; outfits were improvised.

4 - Been disgustingly ill with the Flu

That pretty much sums it up for the moment.


  1. That sneak shot of the shoot looks incredible!
    Who did it with you?
    I can't wait to see the finished product when it's in the magazine!

    Well done and congrats again on deleting your Facebook account, i commend you! You and i are part of a crowd of a select few who have seen the light and realised that life is so much more fun if you actually LIVE it.

  2. There are some really nice shots - Shannon Luk and Charley worked on the shoot with me, and they captured EXACTLY what I had envisioned it to be like.

    I couldn't help like I was cutting myself off from alot of my friends when I got rid of Facebook, but I managed just fine without it before, so I'm sure it won't be such a massive blow to my social life.

    Art vs. Science - CANT'T WAIT!

  3. I may have just made reference to this blog... on my blog. :)
