Sunday, July 26, 2009

168 hours in a week

I can't stand when people are late, it really infuriates me. The people close to me are more than aware of this.

This weekend alone I spent a cumulative 50 minutes waiting for friends to arrive - and I only had two meetings. I was so frustrated at both meetings that I ended up leaving before my friends arrived, so I spent my free time this weekend waiting - that is all. I worked all weekend too - so while some people may have the entire weekend to unwind - I was limited to a few hours before work.
That's just this weekend, when I add up the time from every other planned activity it has been HOURS of waiting, wasted time.

There are 168 hours in a week.
50 of which I spend at work and uni.
56 of which I spend sleeping.
15 of which I spend studying.

Which leaves me roughly 47 hours a week of 'free time'
Just over 6 hours a day - most of which is spent getting ready for work or uni, travelling to work or uni, doing general housework, making breakfast and dinner and trying to squeeze in any socializing and unwinding time. Does this paint a clearer picture as to why I don't have time for people who are late?

When I have a time to arrive at a certain place I make sure that I arrive at that time. When people are late to arrive, they cut into that promised time because something else has captured their body and mind.

This something else could be anything. It could be washing, sleep, doing their hair, playing a video game, checking their email – anything.
This “something else” keeps them from holding their commitment to another person, and it is keeping them from you because they choose to let it. Yes, they alone allow that other ‘thing’ to control them and that is what prevents them from keeping an appointment.

While I'm sitting and waiting for someone to arrive, the time I have to spend with them slips away gradually, and I'm left to think of all the other things I could have accomplished in the time they have taken to arrive.

When you are late you are making someone waste their precious time on you, by choosing something over them - this is the ultimate sign of disrespect.
There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done as it is, can you really expect people to find time to just sit and wait for you?

My time is as important to me as everybody else's is to them. I made a decision this week not to waste any more of it waiting.


  1. I love you.

    You're so right and should stick to your guns. Ben and i are really sorry about the cupcakes, i don't know about anyone else but whether it's my fault or not i always feel really guilty about keeping someone waiting - so i'm very sorry and you know i would never do it to you on purpose because i'm too busy doing my hair or something.


  2. Oh Princess - I'm not taking aim at you - Cupcakes issue is done and dusted.
    It feels like I'm making mountains from mole-hills and that making a deal of it is a bit rude, but when you think about it - the fact that people are put in that position in the firt place that makes you call their behaviour is rude.
    But anyway - I feel like I'm ranting. We both know eachother well enough to know what we expect of eachother - that's important for a successful friendship ;)
