Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where do I begin?

I guess that's the question.
I've decided the best way to begin is with what's going on right now.

My day started off on a good note - making breakfast pizzas with a friend. It was pretty experimental on account of neither of us having made them before. Picture a traditional breakfast: Bacon, egg, tomato, baked beans, cheese and onion - but on a pizza base. It was a complete success!

My mid-semester break began this week - which means I can read a book, go out, just sit around and do nothing, without pangs of guilt. It's almost a sense of relief that I feel, not having an assessment looming or some textbook that I have to read. I began the year in a Bachelor of Primary Education - which as far as I was concerned was exactly where I wanted to be, until about six weeks into the degree. I found myself so unstimulated, and finding the motivation to scrape through the next few months was a challenge.

After talking with a careers counsellor and my lecturers and tutors I decided that I would much rather be studying Psychology. Resultedly, I make my start on my Bachelor of Psychology as soon as Uni returns from break, and I'm so excited.

I've also decided that in November I will join my friends Sharon and Ben on a trip to India! We haven't discussed the finer details of the trip just yet - but a date has been set (mainly due to the fact that they have already booked their flights). One more thing to look forward to. I'm trying hard not to develop an idea of what I expect to do/see while I'm there, I would really like to just wing it and go in without any preconceptions.

I do know that my camera is going to get SUCH a workout while I'm there though. My parents gave me a Nikon DSLR for my Birthday last year, which I adore. I have found that it has been neglected over the past few months purely because of my lack of free time in which to play with it. Photography is something I connect with - it's a powerful medium.

A photograph can make us think, inspire creativity and can instigate change.
I could try and describe to you the worries of a refugee mother and her children - or I could just show you this picture and let you figure it out.

It's only recently that I've been exploring these things about which I am so passionate. In the last six months I've been having a life crisis - trying to figure out who I am and what I want. It's one of those problems that doesn't have a simple answer and won't just go away - and it's been a main consumer of my thoughts for a while. What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? Why do I want certain things? What if I'm making the wrong decisions?
Nobody can offer advice - there's no way to cheat in answering these questions.

I'm going to be using this space as a way to muse upon and chronicle the things that I find important in my day-to-day life.

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