Thursday, September 10, 2009


I ended up attenting the Big Sound Festival on Wednesday night with Jo and Squincy. Joanna was set on seeing Hungry Kids of Hungary and I had Tim Carroll (which sealed the deal for my attendance).

What a night it turned out to be!

We had dinner at Jo's house - which he dear mother kindly prepared for us, then we headed into the valley via train.

After running all over the valley to various venues and seeing a myriad of amazing artists (The Middle East, Tim Carroll, The Basics and Philidelphia Grand Jury were my highlights) our night ended, where it always should, at Ric's. While at Ric's I was casually stalking Wally De Backer (Gotye) and pounced on him when he was standing beside me at the bar - I think I did a pretty good job of not being overly stalkerish and demanding a lock of hair, I opted for a simple compliment, from which a little conversation and an invitation to his gig on Friday night at X&Y were born (Well, it's not exactly invites only - but he told me to come, and I didn't see anyone else getting a private invite).

Long story short I had an amazing night, which had the three of us arriving home at about 3am. I got a measley 1.5 hours sleep at Jo's before I had to wake up and walk to the train station to retrieve my car - in the FREEZING cold pitch black morning. I started work at 6am you see - it was a devil shift, with a severe lack of sleep and a hangover to boot.

Tonight Sharon is coming over and I'm making her dinner, then Ben, her and I are heading in to Ric's to watch out friend Alex's DJ set at Ric's.

And the cherry on my amazing week was the distinction I received in my stats exam!


  1. Man am I jealouse that you got to meet him. That festival sounds like it would've been awesome too. Congrats on the stats mark :)

    Love Na.

  2. Merci for the delicious salmon pasta and CONGRATS again on the High Distinction, you're amazing xoxo
