Friday, August 28, 2009

Quiet Friday Night

It's 9pm on Friday night, and I'm quite happy to be staying in. I had an exam on stats today and don't think that I could really be bothered doing anything other than sitting around, eating pizza and listening to music.

My brother and I went to Portside to see the new Studio Gibli film Ponyo tonight, it was the Japanese edit with subtitles - and was good, but not as stimulating as some of the other Gibli films, it felt like a bit of a 'Little Mermaid' spin-off with some strong environmentalist and feminist undercurrents. The animation was flawless, as expected.

Last week I worked with my friend Elyse to photograph her stylist submission for Sportsgirl. I mentioned it in previous blogs. On Wednesday night we did our last of the shots and I can now post some of the results. The last location we worked on off James Street in the Valley, and there was some fun graffiti to use as a background.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I love Monday

Today is my day off! My first one since last Monday.

I got out of bed early so that I get the most out of the day - I generally sleep in and find that it's 1pm by the time I get around to doing anything, which means the day is drawing closer to its end.

I made myself some coffee and grabbed some yoghurt and a pear and headed for the back deck.
With some soothing Nouvelle Vague playing in the background I'm soaking up some sun and enjoying the olfactorilly stimulating aromas that are floating around my yard at the moment, the Jasmine is in full bloom and my orange tree has blossoms all over it - today has gotten off on the right foot.

Yesterday I rose early to help my friend Elyse with a styling project that she's submitting to Sportsgirl - I played the role of photographer. I was really impreseed with some of the outfits that she put together - they were all so different and versatile, but not lacking their own character and flair. I managed to shoot 3 of the looks she had put together then had to leave for work, we just have 2 left to do. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the proofs and doing a bit of colour enhancement - we shot at a park, so coloured slides etc were our backdrop.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Elyse's Birthday Tea Party

Last Sunday my friend Elyse hosted a Tea Party to celebrate her birthday. I'll let the pictures do the talking - we were encouraged to dress to the theme 'pretty and preppy'.
I enjoyed myself immensely


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ekka Picnic

Wedneaday was the Royal Queensland Show day (Ekka) - so us lucky Brisbanites had the day off. It's not often that all of my friends all have a day off together, so it's become a regular thing for us to picninc in New Farm Park on any public holiday.

These picnics provide a platform for us to demonstrate out cullinary prowess - generally in the form of sweet and delicious baked goods, this time was no exception.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Je parle français!

Well, I know enough to know exactly when to rip my shirt of when I see Art vs. Science this Friday night - and I have to say that I'm very much looking forward to the show.

My dear friends Sharon and Ben are going to come with me (Sharon was even kind enough to get our tickets because I was away when they went on sale - which is lucky because they sold out) even without having listened to much of their music. Sharon has listened enough to proclaim that their faux french accents are not at all very good.

I have it on good authourity from a friend who has seen them at the Oxfort Art Factory in Sydney numerous times (where they are locals) that they put on a rather amazing show, and have been warned that there will be epic dancing and energy.

Here's a review of the band I found:

"Music met psychology with ART.vs.Science, a band whose songs are crafted according to the studies of human responses to music."

"There is a reason why night clubs play the music they do: it's the right tempo for dancing, it's got hook lines you can sing along to, and a beat steady enough hypnotise. Art vs. Science not only makes the sort of music played in nightclubs; it is one of the few outfits in Australia which can actually play in night clubs - live. No laptops, no backing tracks, just drums, keyboards, synths and three sets of funky hands. "An expression of their long immersion in the dark, seedy recesses of club-electronica", Art vs Science breathe fresh air into the genre, with an immediate, breath-taking live show, and songs that sound pleasing, joy-inducing; as if meticulously designed, element by element, to intensify user stimulation. Art vs. Science plays, people listen. And they *understand*."

Scratched and Stitched 08

I found this video a while after the launch of Scratched and Stitched in Brisbane last year. It was an absolute blast - the designers and their garments were great and the works by local artists that were displayed were brilliant!
I knew that there was some filming going on but only recently found where it ended up.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Olsen is my little kitten - She has gone from my little girl to my little lady. She is a furry ball of cute and she is a source of great entertainment, she was also handy in winter as a little hot water bottle in my bed.

Tonight she made a little fort of sheets on the bedroom floor
She used to be teenie weenie

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Walk In The Park

This morning I got out of bed early and headed to South Bank for some sun basking. When I arrived I found that the majority of the parklands were closed for maintenance - I made a little change in my plans of lazing about and decided to talk a stroll. I walked around South Bank for a while then headed over to the Botanical Gardens, then wandered about the city.

I managed to get all of this done before midday! Naturally I took my camera along with me to get a few snaps here and there. I've never really taken the time to have a look around the gardens and was pleasently surprised.